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June 25, 2020
A Circa 1880 Nine Patch Find!! from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

A few weeks ago, the folks at Marcus Fabrics warehouse were cleaning and rearranging things and found an entire box of my original Circa 1880 Nine Patch kits, complete with Aged Muslin background, the original red print border and a fat quarter bundle of the original Circa Prairie Basics and Shirtings!!  
They asked me if I wanted to buy them?  Heck, yeah!
The kit comes complete with the Circa 1880 Nine Patch pattern and template set, too.
The Circa 1880 Club also has a private Facebook group for club members.  (You must purchase the Circa 1880 Nine Patch quilt pattern ...

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February 7, 2020
My Most Cherished Quilt from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Circa 1880 Nine Patch quilt ~ April, 2020 Issue ~ Courtesy of Meredith Corporation
When American Patchwork & Quilting magazine asked me to share my most cherished quilt with them, I was happy to tell them all about it!  
This is a new column in the magazine this year, and editor Jody Sanders shared her most cherished quilt in the last issue.  We all have those quilts that are special to us for any number of reasons.  Some for reasons we all have in common, and some you may be surprised as to why!  

Read why my Circa 1880 Nine Patch quilt is ...

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December 30, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch Blocks from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Can you believe that I have posted these photos for a year?  My's kinda scary how time passes so darn quickly!  I have enjoyed sharing the blocks that are now a part of my Circa 1880 Nine Patch quilt.  It is the most special quilt I have every made for so many reasons, and I treasure it more with each passing day.  

I hope these blocks have inspired you and perhaps even tempted you to join the fun with us.  

If you'd like more information about the Circa 1880 Nine Patch quilt, click here.

In the ...

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December 23, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch Blocks from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Here's this week's blocks.

Busy with holiday prep as I'm sure you are.  January is around the corner.  One of my favorite times of year.  No outdoor work.  No weeds to pull.  Lots more sewing time!  

Let's enjoy the holidays!

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December 16, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch Blocks from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Here's this week's blocks.  

Help.....I'm buried under a pile of wrapping paper!   Teehee!

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December 9, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch Blocks from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Here are this week's blocks!  

I'm either sewing or am out shopping.  How about you?  Busy, busy....see you Friday for the last week of my Old Fashioned sew-along!

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December 2, 2019
ยป Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend.  I'm still stuffed!  We began decorating the house for Christmas on the inside.  Weather didn't cooperate to do much on the outside but we hope to have a few nice days later in the week.

Here are this week's Circa 1880 Nine Patch blocks.  As I look them over, I see so many of my favorite fabrics, and lots I never had before, given to me in my exchange with friends.  Those blocks are just so dear to me!  

My new Cheddar & Chocolate fabric sample yardage arrived!  So darn ...

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November 25, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch Blocks from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Here are this week's blocks.  I can't believe we have only 5 more weeks to go and it will be a year that I have been posting these photos.  More to the point....almost a year since we all began making the Circa 1880 Nine Patch quilt.  And....I'm almost out of block pictures.  

I had a pile of new fabrics to cut up and work with since the arrival of my New Circa Essentials & Shirtings collection.
The fabrics are in your local quilt shop right now!  
Ask for New Circa Essentials & Shirtings at the shop on ...

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November 18, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch Blocks from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Here are this week's blocks.  A very fine batch, indeed!  

Are you getting ready for the start of my Quilt Archaeology on Friday?  I'm so jazzed to begin!

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November 10, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch & Quilt Archaeology News! from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Here are this week's Circa 1880 Nine Patch blocks.  Another good batch of fussy cuts.  I have more strips all chosen and ready to piece.  Now....I need just a little time to sew!
Here's the news all about Quilt Archaeology.....

Be sure to come back to my blog on Thursday, November 14th.  I will reveal our special project, the yardage needs, and the start date of our sew-along.  

All of the sew-along instructions and photos will be posted here on my blog.  You don't need to sign-up, but........

The best way to receive each weeks sewing ...

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November 3, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch Blocks & Quilt Archaeology from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

There are some fun fussy cut fabrics in this batch of blocks.   I never tire of cute!

I hope my last post piqued your curiosity about Quilt Archaeology.  I thought I'd give you a few hints.

I love Pinterest as I'm sure you do as well.  I have 'dug up' some old quilts on Pinterest that I would very much like to replicate.  They're on the simple side....quick and easy.  I thought perhaps you might like to replicate them, too!  

My first Quilt Archaeology sew-along will begin Tuesday, November 19th.  (I'll post yardage ...

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October 28, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch blocks from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Here's a new batch of Circa 1880 Nine Patch blocks.  The club is going strong.  There are quilters who have made all the needed blocks and are now assembling.  There are quilters who have made way more blocks than I and are making their quilt bigger!  There are LOTS more who are just getting started.

We'd love for you to join us!  Click here for a list of participating quilt shops where you can join.  Don't forget to join our private Facebook group as well.  So many fun things are happening in this group!

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October 20, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch Blocks from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

Here's the next batch of Circa blocks.  My New Circa Essentials fabric will be delivered to your local quilt shop in just a few weeks!  You know what that means?  Twelve brand new shirtings and eighteen more little dark prints.   Yippee!!!!  

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October 14, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch & Rogue Blocks!! from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

This batch of Circa blocks feature some very cute fussy cut fabrics.  You know how I love those little surprises inside of blocks!  Well.....hold onto your rotary cutter for the next batch of blocks I want to show you!  
These two inch tiny beauties were made and given to me by my dear friend Janet Olsen (RogueQuilter)  She lives in the beautiful mountains of Utah and is a prolific quilter.  Janet writes and posts photos of the amazing quilts she makes in her blog   Seriously... a must read if you love mini quilts and blocks!  For ...

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October 7, 2019
Circa 1880 Nine Patch Blocks & New Bundles from Heartspun Quilts ~ Pam Buda

I can't believe that this is our 40th Circa club week!  Time flies by way too quickly, especially when we're having fun!  Autumn is in the air here in favorite time of year.  I love the cooler temperatures, the color in the changing leaves, and the mums and pumpkins popping up everywhere.  I love all four seasons for the different things they bring.

We just cut a new bunch of shirting prints in a fat quarter bundle.  More color bank bundles will be coming soon.   I love picking up color bank bundles of fabric colors I ...

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  • circa 1880 club
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